The Fourth International Workshop on Smart Data for Blockchain and Distributed Ledger (SDBD’24)

Co-located with ACM SIGKDD 2024, August 26th, Barcelona, Spain


Blockchains are distributed ledgers that enable parties who do not fully trust one another to maintain a set of global states. The parties agree on the existence, values, and histories of the states. Most attention and research so far have been devoted to the underlying technologies from the database, distributed architecture, cryptography and consensus aspects, primarily because the priority as yet has been attached to the feasibility, stability and scalability of the platforms. Yet, as it has been gaining increasing awareness that the greatest potential of blockchain and distributed technologies lies in unleashing a whole new economy empowered by the capabilities to convert a rich class of emerging class of virtual assets into attributable value, including a long list of promising new concepts such as influence, social capital, swarm intelligence, personal data and credit. How to bring the greatest value out of the various types of new “on-chain” data in the blockchain setting becomes an urgent task. Furthermore, how to manage, organize and optimize these “on-chain” data, and extract the maximum value possible from it arouses particular interests. Consequently, it is both important and challenging to explore a wealth of interesting new research topics in this new setting that fall broadly under the scope of KDD yet with the unique requirement to achieve the optimal balance among data utility, security and privacy. KDD, as the leading venue for data mining, knowledge discovery and artificial intelligence, should take the lead in this promising new domain.

The workshop aims to provide a venue at SIGKDD for developers, practitioners, and researchers from different background to discuss how the unique properties of blockchain and distributed ledger that benefit current and future applications, particular from the perspective of integrating data mining, analysis and intelligence into the underlying framework. To best integrate with KDD community and scope, we have proposed the special theme of “Smart Data” to highlight the mission and focus of this workshop.

This series of workshop has been successfully held for three sessions. SDBD’19 and SDBD’20, were a huge success at SIGKDD’19 and SIGKDD’20. All participants enjoyed the keynotes, the paper presentations as well as the panel discussions. Some participants expressed their strong interests in the future workshop in the series and showed interests in submitting papers. The high passion and strong enthusiasm we felt from the participants further confirmed our belief that the KDD community is all ready to embrace blockchain and distributed ledger technology to advance new themes that lie at the frontier of smart data intelligence. So we expanded the half-day workshop to a full-day event, KDD Trust Day 2021 at SIGKDD’21, which achieved great attention and success. At SIGKDD'23, we held the Special Day with the theme of "AI for open society", marking another milestone event in this constantly evolving series.

Important Dates

All deadlines are 11:59 PM AoE (Anywhere on Earth).

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